
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We were so lucky to be mentioned by Lisha Yost, one of the greatest bloggers that I've ever known.

I'm not gonna say any more.

Check what she said about us:

Playing with the Moon

Nothing like a full moon!

Don't get me wrong I'm not a ware-wolf of something.

It's just that a full moon in a dark night on a Caribbean beach, just ignites the romantic side of me!

Actually, a full moon any where, even in a desert, has a soothing emotional effect.

what did that song say?  
When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie that's love !

I've always received pictures from my friends showing them playing as of they're grabbing the Eiffel tower, or leaning over the Taj Mahal, all look so amusing.

But to mix both subjects, here are pictures of people playing with the moon.

Hope you enjoy it (And if you do, share it!):

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Pics and Words

Hello Every body!

and happy thanks giving to all those who are celebrating it.

Since this blog is about having fun, I just wanted to tell you that there is a new fun blog in town!

Check out Pics With Words

It contains lovely pictures filled with quotes, funny stuff, and anything that will lift up your mood !

click on the following link to visit the new blog:

Or visit their Fan Page on Facebook through this link:


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Sounds like a name of a country that you didn't know about?

Not exactly, Okapia is actually a name of an animal that I didn't know about!

It has a head of a giraffe, a body of a horse, and stripes like a zebra!

Plus of course a long blue tongue that can reach its ears!

There are only 15000 Okapias left today, mostly living in Kongo Africa.

Okapia are rather shy, that's why it is difficult to spot it in the jungles.

Here are photos and a video of the remarkable animal, the Okapia:

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