
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rhymes class

A grade 5 teacher one day asked the children in her class to make rhymes with their names.

First up was Dan.

'My name is Dan,
When I grow up to be a man,
I want to go to India and Japan ,
If I can, If I can, If I can. '

'Very good', the teacher said to Dan.

She then asked Sally that it was now her turn.

'My name is Sally,
When I grow up to be a lady,
I want to have a baby,
If I can, if I can, if I can.'

'That is good Sally,' the teacher said. 'But maybe one day you will change your mind.'

Next up was Little Johnny. He was the naughty one in the class. Here is his rhyme:

'My name is Johnny,
When I grow up to be a man,
Never mind India and Japan ,
I'm going to help Sally with her plan,
I know I can, I can, I can.'

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