
Monday, May 24, 2010

Sleeping Boxes

Now this is a cool invention!

I must tell you, even though i never had to spend a night at an air port, I was really annoyed by the view of people who had to!
I'd rather have a triple shot espresso than to have my self stretching in a public place.

this looks like a reasonable solution.
it's not free, but it is cheap, these are "Sleeping boxes".
comfortable, relatively private, with a ventilation system, alarm. LCD TV, WiFi , space for your laptop and re chargeable phone. Under your bed and floor there is a cupboard for your luggage.
Payment is made at terminals who will give clients an electronic key that can be purchased for 15 minutes or for as many hours as you need.

Cool isn't it? they said they already started using it in Dubai airport.
Enjoy the pictures:

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