
Monday, May 10, 2010



More Gibberish??

No. I'm talking about a new invention that I wish I had in my garage 3 years ago!
I was working in what so called a "special location" area (a place in the middle of no where).
My family was 170 km away from me, and I could only visit in the weekends, you're talking about an hour and a half driving to reach home, and  another hour and a half to head back to work!

This baby that you're about to see in the following photos is a combination of a plane and a car, and you can park it in your garage.

The name Terrafugia (ter-ra-FOO-gee-ah) is derived from the Latin for "Escape the Earth".
It can transform from plane to car in just 30 seconds, it can fly to a range of 724 km with a speed of 115 km/hour, it can speed up to 185 km/hour.
It expected to be first delivered by the year 2011.
So again, I wish it was in my garage sooner.
Enjoy the photos:

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