
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Father I Slipped

This is a cute joke that I received by email:

There was a town where there was a minister who people came to and confess their sins.
Most people will confess committing adultery.

The minister despised the way confessions were done, especially when people mentioned adultery.

So he instructed the sinners to use the word "slipped" instead.

Every body learned the word, and used it instead of "Adultery".

Days passed by, and the minister died, a new one came to town, and people still used the word "slipped".

The new minister didn't have a clue, so on Sunday's preach he said : " some one should fix the roads and the walk ways in this town, I can't believe how most of the people are slipping!"

Every body laughed hard, but no one laughed harder than the mayor.

The minister got mad and he addressed the mayor : "of all the people you shouldn't be laughing! your wife slipped 8 times this week!".

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