
Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is Love

Baby don't hurt me

Sure we all heard the song, but truely, what is love to you?
This question was asked to a bunch of kids, here are some of their answers:

(8 Years old)
Love is when grandma couldn't paint her nails any more, Grandpa did it for her, even when his hands hurt, he still does it (paint her nails).

(5 Years Old)
Love is when a woman sprays on some perfum and a man splashes some after shave, and then they go out together to smell each other.

(6 Years old)
Love is when you go out with someone, and you give them your french fries without making them give you theirs.

(7 Years Old)
Love is when mommy makes coffee for dad, and takes a sip from it with a spoon just to make sure that it tastes good.

(7 Years old)
Love is when you tell a guy that you like his shirt, so he wears it for you every day.

(6 Years old)
Mom loves me more than any body else, she kisses me every night until I fall asleep.

(5 Years old)
Love is when mom chooses the best part of the chicken and gives it to dad.

(7 Years Old)
Love is when mother sees dad so sweaty and she tells him that he looks better than Robert Redford.

(7 Years old)
When you are in love, your eye lashes keeps going up and down, and sparkles comes out of you.

(8 Years old)
You shouldn't tell someone that you love them unless you mean it, and if you do, then you should say it a lot, Because people keep forgetting and they need someone to keep reminding them.

Finally, here's a story that was brought to us by a writer who was chosen as a referee in choosing a child with the amount of compassion.
The winner was  a four year old who saw his old neighbor crying after his wife died and left him all alone.
He ran to his neighbor and sat on his lap.
When he came back, his mother asked him why he did that, he said "nothing, just helped him to cry".

So, what does love mean to you after all?

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