
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Have a "Commercial" Break

I love advertisements, and the sweet ideas behind them.

Today, I'm going to show you just a few, and the idea is competition, see how advertisements can carry such an idea:

Check the two ads below for Nikon, it says "our cameras have face detection, even if it is a face of a ghost, a skeleton...etc."

Yet check this ad by Panasonic, it kind of says "our cameras have face detection, even if you can't see the face!"

Coca Cola hanged a sign saying that its sales office is in the second floor of the building, a few days later PEPSI  hanged a board just under it:

Coca Cola replied with the following ad:

And finally, see how these three ads that show how car makers hit each other in an ad boxing match:

and Audi's answer was:
and Subaru concluded it:

Loved it :)

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