
Monday, May 3, 2010

Star Scraper?

There has been a race around the world for some time now, for building the "highest" building tower in the world (check out Dubai's latest tower).

But what would it look like if Japan decided to join this race?

Well, here's how:

Japan is planning now to build a 4000 m tower! they're thinking of "Star scraper" not just "Sky scraper"!

It will contain 800 floors, total area is double of that of the state of Texas, and it is expected to inhabit one million people!!

The project is expected to be completed in 30 years!!

They're calling it "X SEED Tower". I don't know if "X SEED" comes from "EXCEED", meaning they want to exceed every body else!

This is what I call an ambitious project.

Japan always surprised us with such amazing outcomes, check out the video here:

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