
Friday, November 25, 2011

Pics and Words

Hello Every body!

and happy thanks giving to all those who are celebrating it.

Since this blog is about having fun, I just wanted to tell you that there is a new fun blog in town!

Check out Pics With Words

It contains lovely pictures filled with quotes, funny stuff, and anything that will lift up your mood !

click on the following link to visit the new blog:

Or visit their Fan Page on Facebook through this link:



  1. Cool! I haven't seen this blog until today :) Thanks for telling me to take a break, I needed that :)
    I checked out wordapic. It's cool.
    One question: what's a sikibiki? :)


  2. I can't believe I didn't answer your question!
    Why didn't I get notified that there was a comment at the first place??
    But Better late than never right? :)

    Sikibiki is a word that we used as some sort of censorship for stuff that we want to hide (among friends).

    Like if somebody holding liquor, and he get asked "what do you have in that bag?"
    if he's embarrassed to say, he will say "I have Sikibiki" :D

    Sounded like a catchy name for a blog :D

    I'm glad you liked WordAPic, and yes, you need a break from time to time, it's a good investment in your self :)
