
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bombs Juggle

To those celebrating Easter this sunday, I want to wish you all a Happy Easter and an extremely happy holiday time!

And to those celebrating it next Sunday (and enjoying Palms Sunday today), I wish you the same of course!

This Easter I am proud to announce the launch of my latest mobile game "Bombs Juggle".
It has been recently launched through Apple's Appstore (for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch). 
You can check it out through the following link:

Very soon I'll be releasing the Android version, so stay tuned!

You can actually like Bombs Juggle on Facebook to get the latest news, message me, or join any discussion we post!
Check the Facebook page here:


So this Easter, try juggling bombs besides bashing eggs, who knows, you might enjoy it and make it a holiday tradition.

One thing for sure though, IT'S GONNA GET YOU ADDICTED!

(Share this post with your friends please).

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