
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Heroic Free Fall

I'm sure many of you watched the amazing Felix Baumgartner take his free fall from out of space (that more than a 38000 m high).


I remember the reaction of people around me while we were watching.

Felix Baumgartner

Some kept repeating "I will not pull that off even if they pay me a million dollars!"

Felix Baumgartner

The other kept dialing all his friends' numbers telling them to turn on the TV, and which TV channel to switch to so that they can see "a guy who is going to jump from outer space", and that "No! I will not do it no matter how much they pay me!".

Felix Baumgartner

And then When Felix opened the capsule's door, you could just hear people describing what he's doing ; "Look, he just opened capsule's door!" and "look, he just stepped out of the capsule!".

Felix Baumgartner

And when he jumped, I could here girls inside and outside the house screaming!

Felix Baumgartner

It was heroic what Felix did, no doubt about it.
His fall is to serve science, in fact, I just heard on the radio today that there will be new laws in Physics after the studies made with the help of his fall.

Felix Baumgartner

Felix broke three records yesterday, I was kind of disappointed that he didn't break the "Longest Free Fall" record, he would have had a Full house of records breaking.
But still, three records broke is a lot.

Felix Baumgartner

So thank you Felix, you are a brave man, and you served the world (and amazed us of course). You are a true hero!

Felix Baumgartner

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